Video Library

Monthly Video: May

Preeminent Investment Risk

The biggest investment risk right now isn't what you are thinking.

Monthly Video: April

How to Invest at All-Time Highs

3 Tips to Invest at All-Time Highs with Greater Confidence

Monthly Video: March

March Madness!

March Madness – Tolerating the Madness of the stock Market.

Monthly Video: February

Are We Due For A Change?

When markets hit new highs, it can be tempting to want to lock in those gains.

Monthly Video: January

Who Would Have Thought?

Three Valuable Investment Lessons from 2023.

Monthly Video: December

Forecast Frenzy

Tis the season for 2024 market forecasts. History shows we may want to ignore them.

Monthly Video: November

Calm and Crises

We can experience calm, even among the numerous crises du jour, by following a few simple steps.

Monthly Video: October

Timely Economic Perspectives

The media has been talking about several “threats” to the economy. We break down these “threats” to provide helpful perspective.

Monthly Video: September

ABC's of Successful Investing

Just as the ABCs are foundational to a child’s education, the ABCs of successful investors are foundational to aspiring investors.

Monthly Video: August

The Magnificence of Diversification

Diversification isn’t just for risk management…it can increase returns too!

Monthly Video: July

First Half Market Review

An eventful start to 2023 with a few important lessons to help us make better investment decisions.

Monthly Video: June

What if You Got a Glimpse of the Market's Future?

A fun game in prospective hindsight…what would you do if you knew certain things about the market’s future?

Monthly Video: May

A Dire Prediction

Predictions may tempt us to abandon our strategy. Best to think before we do anything we might regret.

Monthly Video: April

DANGER: Headlines Ahead

One of the greatest perils to investors is a well-written and misleading headline.

Monthly Video: March

What Game Are You Playing?

Knowing what investing game you are playing can help you select the right equipment to reach your goals.

Monthly Video: February

Climbing the Wall of Worry

Markets have a history of climbing the wall of worry. Will the worries of 2023 be the same?

Monthly Video: January

3 Investment Lessons from 2022

Three timely lessons that can help us become better investors going forward.

Monthly Video: December

Boring is Beautiful

Some investments can be very exciting. But odds are higher that a boring investment strategy will help you achieve your goals.

Monthly Video: November

Pragmatic Perspectives

Some timely and valuable perspectives when faced with higher interest rates and a declining stock market.

Monthly Video: October

Investing in a Bear Market

Investing in a bear market is difficult, but having the right perspectives can make it easier.

Monthly Video: September

The Virtue of Strategic Ignorance

Not all information is beneficial; some can be detrimental to our well-being.

Monthly Video: August

The Upside of Bear Markets

Bear markets don’t have to be scary. For long-term investors, they have several benefits.

Monthly Video: July

Attention Allocation

How investors allocate their attention can significantly influence their investment results.

Monthly Video: June

Surviving Volatility

Every investor faces volatility. How we respond can make the difference between success and failure.

Monthly Video: May

Crisis in Context

How we perceive crises can influence how we act and ultimately affect our investment results.

Monthly Video: April

Ignoring the Noise: Market Predictions

The boldest and most believable predictions are often biased and incorrect.

Monthly Video: March

Inflation, War & Cash

Timely and helpful perspectives with respect to inflation and conflict in Eastern Europe.

Monthly Video: February

Market Corrections

Three timely perspectives to consider when experiencing a downturn in the markets.

Monthly Video: January

An Investment Lesson From 2021

A lesson from 2021 that will help investors improve their decision-making going forward.

BONUS Monthly Video: December

Market Contagions

Viral contagions aren’t the only thing we need to steer clear of.

Monthly Video: December

Stock Market Sales

We all love a good sale. Except for sales in the stock market.

Monthly Video: November

Increasing Inflation

Inflation is the talk of the town. It may not be as negative as you would think.

Monthly Video: October

The Impending Selloff

Predictions of impending selloffs occur frequently…and they are often wrong.

Monthly Video: September

Bull Market Concerns

There are always concerns and good reasons to sell during a bull market.

Monthly Video: August


There is a lot of noise in the world, some of which is quite harmful to investors.

Monthly Video: July

Successful Investing

Three specific tips to help anyone become a more successful investor.

Monthly Video: June

Mindful Decision Making

A few simple steps can help us make more mindful, less emotional investment decisions.

Monthly Video: May

Speculating & Investing

Understanding and identifying the difference between investing and speculating can help you make better financial decisions.

Monthly Video: April

One Year Later

We can learn a lot from the last year. Here are three takeaways that can help us make better decisions in the future.

Monthly Video: March

Back to Normal

As we talk about getting back to normal in our daily lives, have you ever considered what normal is like for the stock market?

Monthly Video: February

Political Presumptions

There isn’t much correlation between political party in power and market returns, but there is a correlation we should pay attention to.

Monthly Video: January

Biggest Investment Lesson From 2020

2020 may have been a crazy year, but it taught a very useful lesson to help us make better investment decisions.

Monthly Video: December

Limits of Foresight

Knowing a future event doesn’t mean you know how everything will turn out.

Monthly Video: November

Psychological Contagion

COVID and the flu aren't the only contagions to be aware of.

Monthly Video: October

Political Priming

Sometimes we are primed to think and act in ways that are contrary to our goals – and the headlines over the next month will be no exception.

Monthly Video: September

Political Noise

You may not be able to control the amount of noise, but you can control how it affects you.

Monthly Video: August

Forecast Flaws

Before listening to the forecast of the day, you may want to consider why experts consistently err in their forecasts.

Monthly Video: July

Market Whiplash

What a start to the year! Reflecting on what happened can help us make better financial decisions going forward.

Monthly Video: June

Allure of Forecasts

Forecasts can be very alluring to our psyche, but are potentially damaging to our wealth.

Monthly Video: May

Shock, Awe and Perspective

In times of uncertainty, maintaining a healthy perspective is both mentally and financially beneficial for investors.

Monthly Video: April

Strategic Ignorance

Sometimes it is wise to ignore certain information.

Monthly Video: March

Detrimental Data

Not all data is beneficial to us. Some may be downright detrimental to investors.

Monthly Video: February

Coin Tosses & Our Brain

We can learn how to improve our decision-making process by guessing coin tosses.

Monthly Video: January

Who Would Have Thought?

Based on all the negative news in 2019, you wouldn’t have thought the market would be positive.

Monthly Video: December

Impeachment Inquiry

Impeachment may dominate the news, but history shows the economy is greater than political outcomes.

Monthly Video: November

Beware of Hype

Just because something is popular, doesn’t mean it will be profitable.

Monthly Video: October

Recession Rampage
The media is talking recession again. Here’s why it may be wise to ignore them.

Monthly Video: September

Back to School
Perhaps the single most important lesson investors need to learn.

Monthly Video: August

Decision Making – The Thinking Brain
Overcoming mental shortcuts can help us improve our decision-making results.

Monthly Video: July

Summertime Surprise
Expect surprises, but be ready with a solid Plan.

Monthly Video: June

Uber Exciting
Are you basing your investment decisions on fundamentals or popularity?

Monthly Video: May

Strategic Ignorance
Are you being strategic with the information you choose to receive?

Monthly Video: April

Are you deliberate in your decision making or are you making assumptions?

Monthly Video: March

Fake Headlines
Fake Headlines may grab our attention, but are often best to ignore.

Monthly Video: February

Market Whiplash
Are you ignoring the noise and focusing on your Plan?

Monthly Video: January

Investing: Simple, Not Easy
Are you practicing Patience and Discipline?

Monthly Video: December

Illusion of Average
Do you know the difference between long-term averages and likely outcomes year to year?

Monthly Video: November

Midterm Mania
Are you letting the Mid-Term Elections influence your investment decisions?

Monthly Video: October

Financial News for Long-Term Investors
If the financial media existed for the benefit of long-term investors, what would they say?

Monthly Video: September

Back to School
Do you rely on Mental Shortcuts or Facts?

Monthly Video: August

Trade Wars
What will be the impact of tariffs and potential trade wars on your portfolio?

Monthly Video: July

Skill, Luck & Outcomes
Do you rely on your long-term plan or short-term predictions?

Monthly Video: June

Brain Teasers
Do you ask questions or take information at face value?

Monthly Video: May

May Fables
Do you believe in Fables or seek out Investment Truths?

Monthly Video: April

Learning From Bear Sterns
Do your investments adhere to your Plan??

Monthly Video: March

February Fluctuations
Are your decisions based on your Plan?

Monthly Video: February

The ‘Melt-Up’ of 2018
Stick to your Plan by reflecting on Investment Truths.

Monthly Video: January

Are you relying on your Plan or consensus estimates?

Monthly Video: December

Mind Games 
Can you predict what triggers your emotions?

Monthly Video: November

Psychological Contagion 
Are you taking precautions to avoid psychological contagions?

Monthly Video: October

Natural Disasters & Investment Decisions 
Does your Plan focus on what is controllable?

Monthly Video: September

The Eclipse Illusion 
Are you putting enough weight in your Plan?

Monthly Video: August

Investment Hero 
Do you have the courage to stick with your Plan?

Monthly Video: July

What's Next? 
Past patterns often influence our thoughts of future outcomes. Do you use the past as a predictor?

Monthly Video: June

Life is filled with uncertainty. When guessing outcomes, do you use wide or narrow ranges?

Monthly Video: May

Performing Research 
Research can inform or mislead. Are you factoring in both performance AND risk?

Monthly Video: April

When we are complacent, we stop asking questions. Being prepared and having a plan is key. Watch the video to learn more.

Monthly Video: March

Why are New Year’s resolutions so hard to keep? We tend to stick to habits and when we try to change those habits it becomes difficult. The key is to don’t give up. Learn more here.